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20 Ways Leaders Can Effectively Support New Managers

Promoting an employee into a management position for the first time is a significant step in their career. However, this promotion also comes with higher responsibilities, which can be a tough transition. While the new manager may be experienced in their field, shifting into a leadership role requires a unique set of skills and considerations.

Below, 20 Forbes Business Council members explore ways for current leadership to help their new managers to make a successful transition into leadership. These insights not only empower emerging leaders but also contribute to the overall growth of the team and the business.

1. Ensure They Understand And Use Situational Leadership

Ensure that the new manager knows that there are no singular "management styles" that apply to all employees. Instead, successful managers understand and use situational leadership that is based on the employee's skills and experience. A great leader knows that you manage a 20-year employee differently than a two-year employee. - Scott Hoots, QC Kinetix

2. Prioritize Self-Awareness And Learning

Emphasize the importance of self-awareness and learning. It’s not just about managing others, it’s about managing oneself first. Encourage them to adopt a mindset of continuous growth and curiosity. Leadership is less about exerting power and more about empowering others. This means cultivating an environment where feedback is not only accepted but actively sought. - Deepansh Singh, Polkadex

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3. Assess The Individual's Aptitude For Managing People

To ensure a successful transition, leaders should carefully assess an individual contributor's aptitude for managing people. Beyond technical skills, it is advisable to invest in comprehensive leadership training. Additionally, gradual transition periods foster transparent communication, thereby building the team's confidence in the new manager. - Amit Chaudhary, Grepsr

4. Ensure They Understand Their Role Is To Support The Team

Ensure they understand their new role is to support the team that comprises their direct reports. This puts their focus on empowering others rather than issuing edicts from "on high." - Craig Cheatham, The Realty Alliance

5. Establish Expectations For The Role

Establish clear communication about the expectations of the role, including the measures of success, the challenges and the level of authority or responsibility. This will lay the groundwork for a successful transition. - Reid Rubenstein, RefiJet

6. Share How To Interact With Other Senior Managers

I believe the single best thing to do is share how they should interact with other senior managers. Each person will have a distinct way of communicating, and making a positive impression early on is critical for an employee who is no longer a direct report but a peer. - Steven Cody, Peppercomm

7. Have Them Participate In Leadership Training

The most important asset a company has is its people. When we promote a good worker to a position of authority for the first time, we are creating risk. Just because a person is a good worker doesn't mean they will automatically be a good leader. To mitigate that risk, I require first-time managers to receive formal leadership training. I partner with third-party resources to make that happen. - Adam Coffey, CEO Advisory Guru, LLC

8. Explain Expectations And Job Duties In Depth

It is best to clarify your expectations of the new manager and explain their job duties in depth to them. A manager should know the timings for the job, the time that needs to be spent on important tasks, the order of priority for each task and why each task is important. They should be entrusted to make informed decisions while working autonomously and be held accountable for their work. - Joe Faruqui, A.S.A.P Semiconductor

9. Help Them Navigate Leadership And Management Expectations

Managing the tension between what their direct reports need (leadership) and what the leaders of the company are expecting (management) is always tough. Help the new manager recognize the signs and plan how to navigate these expectations. This is one of many types of frequent coaching conversations to be held during the first 180 days. - Andrea Fredrickson, Revela

10. Preemptively Provide Management Coaching

Many employees are promoted based on performance, though they may lack managerial leadership qualities and EQ. Set the employee up for success by preemptively providing management coaching. Conduct a 360 review, identify any gaps or opportunities in leadership or management skills and have the employee work with a coach to address those issues before they become problems in the role. - Erika Royal, The Life Coach School

11. Support Them On All Fronts And Points Of Contact

This is a huge change for all involved. One of the key parts of any transition like this is to ensure it is smooth by supporting the new manager on all fronts and points of contact. Then, allow room for them to breathe and succeed, which includes the learning and teaching moments. - Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino, Compliance4, LLC

12. Be An Attentive Mentor

After promoting an employee to a management position, acting as an attentive mentor is a great way to ensure sustainable success. The example that my first boss set for me guided my leadership style. New leaders require support from people with relevant experience who will help guide them. From brainstorming sessions to tossing around fresh ideas or methods, they need to have someone to count on. - Kevin Stevick, Steel Craft Corp.

13. Have Them Regularly Reflect

Ask them to reflect continually on three questions during their first 100 days in the position: Who helped you be your best? What did they do? Given that, what can you do to help your reports be better? - Greg Zlevor, Westwood International

14. Reinforce The Company Culture

Spend time reinforcing the company's culture from a leadership perspective. When a team member first becomes a manager, they become responsible for carrying forward the company's ethos. That's very different from a role where you exist in the culture. New leaders may have legacy "baggage" from prior experiences that they could emulate which conflicts with the company's culture. - Delphine Carter, Boulo

15. Demonstrate Your Commitment To Their Success

One of the biggest impacts on the success of a company is the behavior and actions of its leaders. Leaders who demonstrate their commitment to advancing an aspiring leader to new career heights should ensure the manager is given practical guidance, support and access to proper tools and resources. This approach establishes trust and loyalty and makes the right impact on the enterprise as a whole. - Eric Allais, PathGuide Technologies, Inc.

16. Publish A EOS Playbook They Can Tailor

When promoting an employee into a management position for the first time, we publish a playbook that outlines the Entrepreneurial Operating System or EOS but let them bring their own talents to it. They are allowed to add to it and subtract things that are out of date. We let them make their own mistakes, which helps foster and grow autonomy. - Michael Mayes, Quantum 9 Inc.

17. Ensure They Understand Results Are Driven By The Team

Ensuring that a person who has been promoted clearly understands that results are driven by the team, not solely by their individual contribution, underscores the importance of investing in your team and setting clear goals, which are mission-critical. - Mykola Tymkiv, Gismart

18. Be Patient

When promoting an individual contributor to a management position, the business leader must be patient. Allow the new manager freedom within a clearly defined framework of expectations. Transitioning from an individual contributor to a master delegator or trainer takes time, and the employee needs to be supported with a clear 30-, 60-, 90- and 180-day plan. - Austin Speck, Titan Brands

19. Provide Guidance To Help Them Navigate The Change

Ongoing mentorship focused on the transition from colleague to boss is a crucial step and should encompass the following key aspects: navigating the shift in dynamics (which involves understanding and navigating the change in relationships with former peers), time management and prioritization, use of power, developing leadership skills and providing a safe space for learning and growth. - Jochen Schwenk, Crisis Control Solutions LLC / Schwenk AG

20. Become A Resource

The best thing you can do is walk through the transition with them and let them know they have you as a resource. You can't expect a new manager to have it all together or to know everything. You have to stay vigilant and cultivate those leadership attributes. The worst thing you can do is to tell them they are on their own. - Archana Williams, CartKaboom

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